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Your Guide to the Best Smart Devices for Home Security

Let’s explore some of the most essential smart devices that can transform your home into a safer, more efficient space.

your guide to the best smart devices for home security

Prevention is better than cure

It’s an age-old saying, but its relevance shouldn’t be underestimated.

Our homes are becoming smarter and more connected every day. From automations to presence sensing, and notifications, smart technology is now commonplace in UK households. But behind all this innovation lies a crucial factor: home security. Interestingly, from an insurance standpoint, incorporating smart technology can be highly advantageous.

When you’re obtaining an insurance quote for your home or contents, you typically answer a set of specific questions. These can vary greatly depending on the insurer. They may ask you to specify the type of lock on your main doors or if your property is equipped with smoke alarms or CO2 detectors. Questions might include whether you are part of a neighbourhood watch scheme, if you ever let your property out, or if it’s unoccupied for longer than 30 days. They may even inquire if you are living in shared accommodation.

These questions help insurance companies assess the risk involved in covering your property or belongings. Naturally, the higher the perceived risk, the higher the premiums. This is generally how the insurance market operates.

If you fall short on some of these criteria, you could receive a less favourable quote or, in some cases, no offer at all. However, if you meet or exceed their requirements, there’s every reason to expect a fair price.

The Evolution of Smart Technology in Our Homes

Pre 1997, the words ‘smart’ and ‘phone’ were entirely two separate entities, until Swedish phone maker Ericsson were bold enough to put the two together. Little did they know…. or did they?

Jump forward a quarter of a century, and smartphones are now at the helm of our day-to-day lives. They can pretty much do anything and everything, aside from making us a cup of coffee… And even that, technically speaking, isn’t entirely true.

With the dawn of Ai now well and truly established, and Apple’s announcement this week of further sophisticated Ai integration into their devices, the remaining less smart objects in our households could well be us.

The rapid advance of connected devices, known as the “Internet of Things” or (IoT) for the more savvy among us, has transformed how we can monitor and protect our homes. It has made it easier than ever to keep an eye on your property and ensure its safety. Added bonus: It’s significantly cheaper than it used to be too.

We’re not just talking about connected security cameras. Smart locks and sensors for your doors and windows, leak detectors, CO2 & smoke detectors. You could even have an autonomous drone fly around and monitor the interior of your home on a given schedule seeking out any irregularities. All this while your autonomous hoover does the rounds, updating you of its progress in real time via notifications on your smartphone.

For those of us old enough, this may sound like something from an episode of Tomorrow’s World back in the 80’s. But, it’s the present day, and this rapidly advancing technology can help protect us, our properties and belongings from quite disastrous scenarios.

Essential Smart Devices for Home Security

Let’s explore some of the most essential smart devices that can transform your home into a safer, more efficient space.
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Outdoor / Indoor Cameras

Let’s start with the obvious. Not too long ago, having a CCTV system at home usually meant a third-party security package. Today, the market is flooded with Wi-Fi options, many of which are self-managed and easy to install.

Gone are the days of needing complex wiring and on-site storage solutions like servers for your footage. An increasing number of cameras are battery-powered and store footage in the cloud. This not only cuts installation costs but also means that you can set them up yourself with minimal effort, getting your system up and running in no time.

The applications are endless. Strategically placed, you can monitor every corner of your property, both indoors and outdoors, as many of these cameras are weatherproof. Whether in your garden, driveway, garage, or main entry points, or even within shared accommodation, they allow you to keep an eye on your living space and belongings.

Features vary widely, including camera resolution, night vision, automated tracking, tilting and panning, two way audio communication, recording length, and how long footage is stored. Some cameras offer smart zones, which are predefined areas that send notifications if activity occurs within them.

Others can even differentiate between people, animals, and vehicles. You can create a list of familiar faces, like family, friends, or the postman, and the system will recognise them as they enter a camera zone. While these features might require a small subscription, most cameras come with basic functionality out of the box that meets the needs of most users.

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Smart doorbells have surged in popularity over the last couple of years, and for good reason. These devices come with an inbuilt microphone and speaker, allowing you to communicate with visitors through your smartphone, no matter where you are in the world. This means you can answer your door even when you’re not at home, providing added convenience and security.

Like the indoor and outdoor cameras mentioned earlier, smart doorbells offer a range of features. Some basic features are available for free, while others might require a monthly subscription. The key advantage here is that they provide a live video feed of anyone approaching your door, making them an effective deterrent against potential burglars or other suspicious activity.

Installation of smart doorbells has become straightforward, whether they are hard-wired or battery-powered. Many models are designed to replace your existing doorbell with minimal effort, and battery-powered options eliminate the need for any wiring at all.

Moreover, smart doorbells can send instant notifications to your phone whenever someone rings the bell or if motion is detected near your door. This is particularly useful for receiving deliveries, knowing when packages arrive, or just keeping tabs on who is coming and going from your home.

Additional features may include night vision, which allows the camera to capture clear images even in low light conditions, and two-way audio, so you can speak directly to whoever is at your door. Some models even integrate with other smart home systems, like lights and security systems, to provide a more comprehensive security solution.

Overall, smart doorbells not only enhance your home’s security but also add a layer of convenience, ensuring you never miss a visitor or delivery, no matter where you are.

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Smart Plugs

Smart plugs allow you to turn any device that plugs into an outlet into a connected, controllable gadget. From ovens and lamps to sidelights and kettles, these plugs bring smart capabilities to a wide range of household items.

Integrating them into a home system like Amazon Alexa or Google Home enables voice activation. You can easily control devices with simple voice commands, adding an extra layer of convenience.

Using these systems, you can set up different routines for various scenarios. For example, you can program your kettle to switch on for your morning coffee. The possibilities extend beyond convenience.

An “Away-From-Home” routine could automatically turn your lamps on at sunset and off at a specified time, simulating activity and making your home appear occupied when you’re on holiday. This feature enhances security by deterring potential intruders.

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Smart Speakers

Smart speakers do more than just stream music from your favourite platforms; they are essential for smart homes, often acting as the central hub for voice commands. Systems from Amazon, Google, and Apple enable you to control various smart devices and play sounds on a set schedule, adding convenience and practicality to your daily life.

Beyond automating your routine, these smart speakers can also enhance home security. For instance, when you’re away for an extended period, you can program them to play playlists or podcasts at specific times of the day. This activity creates the illusion that someone is home, acting as a deterrent to burglars looking for unoccupied houses.

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Smart Metres

While not directly linked to home security, smart appliances can play a crucial role in prevention and peace of mind. Modern fridges, freezers, washing machines, ovens, and yes, coffee makers, now come with optional Wi-Fi connectivity, enabling you to monitor and control them remotely.

Imagine you’ve just left for work, only to worry if you’ve remembered to turn the oven off, or whether the freezer door has been closed properly.

Traditionally, you’d either have to risk it and face losing a freezer’s worth of food, which isn’t a negligible amount for most households. Or, for the more cautious among us, return home to check. But with smart appliances, you can alleviate these worries.

Duly noted, while you can’t close a fridge door remotely, a smart fridge freezer could alert you of abnormal temperature rises. How you act upon that information would entirely be up to you, but at least you’d know about it. That’s something we didn’t have 10 years ago.

Similarly, leaving an oven on for the day, or worse, a weekend away, would result in quite a significant spike in your energy bill, not to mention being a potential fire risk. So next time you’re in the market for a new appliance, think of the potential security offerings a connected version can provide.

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Door & Window Contact Sensors

Contact sensors come in small, paired rectangular shapes. They work via magnetic sensors, with one part attaching to a door or window and the other to the frame. You may have seen similar devices in display cabinets in shops. However, instead of triggering a sonic alarm, these notify you via your smartphone.

These sensors are relatively inexpensive and battery-powered, so there’s no need for cabling. This allows for a discreet and tidy installation with minimal disruption to your property.

Their function is straightforward: when a door or window is opened, the magnetic contact is broken, triggering an alert on your phone. With good Wi-Fi coverage, these are particularly useful for larger homes with multiple access points, unoccupied properties like holiday homes, or areas with a higher risk of burglaries. They are also beneficial for those in shared accommodation, notifying you if your room door is opened in your absence.

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Smoke & CO2 Detectors

Smoke and CO2 detectors, while not a legal requirement, are strongly recommended in any dwelling. Adding “smart” capabilities transforms them into a sophisticated, self-contained monitoring system.

While conventional smoke detectors efficiently alert you in case of a fire, the added benefit of a connected one can make all the difference. If you’re not at your property when the alarm sounds, time becomes critical. The faster a fire can be attended to and dealt with, the less damage will occur. The benefits here are substantial.

For landlords and those with rental properties, having a smart detector ensures that you can respond promptly to emergencies. This is especially important with CO2 detection, as CO2 is odourless and lethal. Platforms like Airbnb emphasise the presence of CO2 detectors in listings, offering peace of mind for both tenants and property owners.

Beyond detecting smoke and CO2, some smart models can also monitor humidity levels, air quality, and temperature. They provide a comprehensive view of your home environment and send notifications to your phone if any significant changes occur.

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Smart Locks

Smart locks offer a convenient and secure way to manage access to your home, particularly useful if you rent out your property on platforms like VRBO or Airbnb. These innovative devices go beyond just locking and unlocking your door; they provide a comprehensive solution for home security and access management.

Smart locks can monitor who enters and exits your home while you’re away, giving you peace of mind. Basic models allow you to control the lock with your smartphone, while more advanced versions let you grant specific access privileges to friends, family, or staff members. Some sophisticated smart locks also support voice commands, fingerprint scanners, and 3D facial recognition, integrating seamlessly with other smart home devices and services like Google Home.

With more than 38% of Brits confessing to locking themselves out each year, going keyless can save many from embarrassing and costly situations—new keys and replacement locks aren’t cheap. Smart locks eliminate the need for physical keys, allowing for easy access without the risk of losing keys or being locked out.

For those concerned about security, smart locks often come with robust encryption and security features that make unauthorised access difficult. Many models also allow for temporary access codes, perfect for visitors, delivery personnel, or maintenance workers. These codes can be set to expire, ensuring that access is only temporary and secure.

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Smart Home Appliances

While not directly linked to home security, smart appliances play a crucial role in prevention and peace of mind. Modern fridges, freezers, washing machines and ovens often come with Wi-Fi connectivity, enabling you to monitor and control them remotely.

Imagine you’ve just left for a much-needed break away, only to worry if you’ve closed the fridge door properly or turned off the oven. This nagging concern can cast a shadow over your time away. Traditionally, you’d have to return home to check, but with smart appliances, you can alleviate these worries without needing to go back.

While you can’t close a fridge door remotely, a smart fridge can alert you if the door is left open or if the temperature rises unexpectedly, allowing you to notify someone nearby to address the issue. Similarly, smart ovens can be checked and turned off remotely, providing an immediate solution to potential hazards.

Smart appliances also offer preventative benefits by monitoring their status and performance. For instance, a smart freezer can alert you to temperature fluctuations that might indicate a problem before it leads to food spoilage. This level of oversight helps prevent small issues from becoming big problems, saving you time, stress, and money in the long run.

By integrating these smart technologies into your home, you can enjoy your time away with the assurance that you’re aware of and can respond to potential issues, reinforcing the idea that prevention is better than cure.

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Smart Blinds & Curtains

Smart curtains and blinds offer a sophisticated way to enhance both the privacy and security of your home. These devices can be automated to open and close at specific times, simulating occupancy even when you’re away. This feature can be particularly useful in deterring potential intruders who might be watching for signs that a home is unoccupied.

In addition to scheduled automation, smart curtains and blinds can be controlled remotely via smartphone apps. This allows you to adjust your window coverings from anywhere, ensuring that your home remains private and secure, regardless of your location. For instance, if you’re on holiday and realise you left your blinds open, you can easily close them with a few taps on your phone.

Furthermore, smart curtains and blinds can integrate with other smart home devices and systems. For example, they can work in tandem with your smart lighting and thermostat to optimise energy efficiency. During the summer, your blinds can automatically close during the hottest part of the day to keep your home cooler, reducing the load on your air conditioning system. In the winter, they can open during sunny periods to let in natural warmth.

Some advanced models also respond to voice commands through smart assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, or Apple HomeKit. This hands-free control adds an extra layer of convenience, allowing you to adjust your window coverings without having to reach for your phone.

Additionally, smart curtains and blinds can enhance your daily routines and lifestyle. Imagine waking up to natural light as your curtains gradually open in the morning, or setting the mood for a movie night by closing all your blinds with a simple voice command.

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Although currently available only through invite, indicating it’s still in the testing phase, Amazon’s Ring has given us a glimpse into the future of home surveillance with their announced interior autonomous drone. Announced back in 2021, this drone is designed to operate independently, reacting to any disturbances inside your property.

The drone maps out the interior of your home and periodically flies around, looking for anything unusual. It provides a live video feed that allows you to see what’s happening in real-time, offering an extra layer of security. If it detects something amiss, it sends a notification to your smartphone, ensuring you are immediately aware of any potential issues. This advanced technology represents a significant step forward in home security.

Needless to say, those living in smaller spaces will unlikely have use for such a device, but for some homeowners, it could offer a viable security solution in the near future.

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Smart Light Bulbs

Smart light bulbs offer an innovative way to manage your home’s lighting, adding both convenience and security. These bulbs can be controlled remotely via smartphone apps or integrated into home systems like Amazon Alexa, Google Home, or Apple HomeKit. This allows you to turn lights on or off, adjust brightness, and even change colours from anywhere in the world.

One of the key benefits of smart light bulbs is their ability to enhance home security. You can set schedules to turn lights on and off at specific times, giving the impression that someone is home even when you’re not. This can act as a deterrent to potential intruders looking for unoccupied houses.

Additionally, smart light bulbs can be set to activate automatically in response to certain triggers, such as motion detection or security alarms. This not only saves energy but also adds an extra layer of protection by illuminating areas where activity is detected.

Many smart light bulbs also offer features like dimming and colour changes, which can be programmed for different scenarios. For example, you can set a “movie night” mode with dimmed lights or a “wake-up” mode with gradually increasing brightness to simulate a natural sunrise.

Overall, smart light bulbs provide a versatile and energy-efficient way to enhance the safety and ambiance of your home. They are an affordable and simple addition to your smart home ecosystem, offering peace of mind and practical benefits.

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Smart Thermostats

While primarily designed for energy efficiency, smart thermostats can also enhance home security by managing heating and cooling when your house is unoccupied. Leaving a home empty for extended periods can sometimes lead to maintenance issues, such as frozen pipes in winter or mould growth in overly humid conditions.

Smart thermostats help mitigate these risks by maintaining a consistent indoor environment. You can set schedules or control the thermostat remotely, ensuring your home stays within safe temperature and humidity ranges. These devices can alert you to unusual temperature changes that might indicate issues like a fire, a water leak, or a system malfunction, allowing you to respond quickly and potentially prevent costly damage.

Some models integrate seamlessly with other smart home devices, creating comprehensive automation routines. For example, your thermostat can lower the temperature when you arm your security system as you leave, or adjust settings through your smartphone if you forget before heading out. This integration helps create a smart home ecosystem that works together to optimise both security and energy usage.

In addition to remote control, many smart thermostats offer voice control and learning capabilities that adapt to your preferences over time. This means the thermostat can automatically adjust to your preferred comfort levels while optimising energy usage, leading to significant savings on your energy bills.

Furthermore, the convenience of smart thermostats extends to their ability to integrate with weather forecasts, adjusting indoor settings to anticipate and respond to external weather conditions. This proactive approach helps keep your home comfortable and energy-efficient year-round.

Brands like Nest, Ecobee, and Honeywell offer some of the best options available on the market today, providing a range of features and integrations to suit different needs and preferences

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Leak Detectors

Water damage is a significant contributor to insurance claims in the UK, and with the increasing trend of regional flooding, water damage-related claims are on the rise. However, the risk isn’t limited to flooding alone. Burst pipes, taps accidentally left running, faulty toilet systems, and even something as minor as a corroded washer can cause extensive damage to your home.

If you leave your property unattended for extended periods, a prolonged water leak can be catastrophic, leading to severe damage and costly repairs.

Water leak detectors are designed to mitigate these risks. These devices typically detect leaks using ultrasonic wavelengths and can often integrate with smart home systems for enhanced monitoring and control. Many of these detectors can also function as standalone units, making them versatile for different home setups.

The cost of water leak detectors can vary, ranging from very affordable to more expensive options. However, the benefits far outweigh the cost, as these devices can alert you to leaks in real-time, allowing you to take immediate action and potentially save thousands in repair costs. Insurance companies also favour these devices, as they can significantly reduce the risk and extent of water damage claims.

Advanced water leak detectors can alert you via smartphone notifications if a leak is detected, even if you’re not at home. This allows for prompt intervention, whether it’s shutting off the water supply or contacting a repair service. Some models even come with automatic shut-off valves, which can stop the flow of water immediately when a leak is detected, preventing further damage.

Overall, investing in water leak detectors is a wise decision for any homeowner. They provide peace of mind by offering early detection of leaks, helping to prevent water damage, and reducing the likelihood of costly repairs and insurance claims.


Integrating smart devices into your home enhances your security and reduces the risk of incidents that could lead to insurance claims. While some devices may have higher upfront costs or require subscriptions for additional features, their ability to detect issues like break-ins, fires, and water damage is invaluable.

Smart cameras, locks, and sensors offer real-time monitoring to deter intruders, while smart appliances and detectors help prevent costly damages.
By reducing risks and potential claims, these technologies can also lead to lower insurance premiums.
There’s all to gain.

This post is not sponsored by or affiliated with any third parties. The products mentioned are included based on their relevance and merit alone.

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